Dry climate
In this area of the tropics and subtropics, where the climate is very dry (mostly arid or semi-arid), all these people are depending on the rainy seasons.
Rain is essential
Rain is deeply needed for plant growth and therefore for the survival of the majority of the population which is still living on the countryside. Also the population that is living in the cities and working in industries or services are affected if the agricultural sector has to suffer from a drought.
Climate change already noticeable
The climate change is already noticeable, in combination with the climate phenomenon El Niño, the situation of water supply was dramatic in 2016 – a rainy season was completely over. No one can say for sure whether the rainy seasons will really take place in the future.

Challenges Kenya
Also when the soil irrigation captures a big part of the people’s daily worries, the country is facing other ecological issues such as deforestation, problematic trash disposal and air pollution as well as social problems like a high population growth, which results in high youth unemployment, migration into cities (e.g. to the capital Nairobi) and increasing poverty (especially in marginalized areas).
Corruption and high taxes
As the next elections draw near, the widespread corruption, high official taxes and a poor infrastructure are broached into daily discussions. Besides all these challenges the people go their way with a more positive and open attitude as you may assume.
Challanges Kitale
Traditionally the people and tribes have been farmers. However, most of the population here today is extremely poor.
Lack of basic needs
Most people have only tiny plots of land if any at all, and many lack the basic necessities of life: clean water, sufficient food, a place to live, and prospects for the future of their young people.
This is what we want to change!